Backgrounds & Love Backgrounds
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this is my special place where i meditate and shares my emotions ..please remind yourself that is my blog and i can put anything i wanna post troublemakers aren't welcome here okess beibeh (: thank you 

sorry awak (;

saye tak kate saye benci awak . kan saye dah kate saye maafkan awak ! so..tapaya lah teruskan teater classic tu lagi okess . you yang pilih care nyh ! i ikott jea .. sudaa lah you .. you tapayalah nak balk dengan i lagii. i bukan yang terbaek untuk you kan ? kan hawt . ramai lagi girls nak kat you .. yang dah lepass byalah lepass okess . tadi pon .. i text you,cakap yang i maafkan you..then you just reply thats word ! word yang selalu you bagi ! teramad simple and teramad pendek ! just whateva..thats all ? err =.= nevermindlah ..kalaw awak nak lah kan ... kite still boleh jadi kawan ..okes.fullstop !