Backgrounds & Love Backgrounds
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this is my special place where i meditate and shares my emotions ..please remind yourself that is my blog and i can put anything i wanna post troublemakers aren't welcome here okess beibeh (: thank you 


my husband mathematics 
exercise 2.1c (1.2.3)
.: done:.

peka 1.4
.: not yet:.
( ta faham experimen yang dibuad )

habeskan chapter 1 buku elit
.: tunggu chekgu mintak baru siapkan :.
( tataw ape yang chekgu cube nak aja )

pendidikan islam
nota akidah.ibadah.tilawah
.: ta siap ! ustazah garang sangad ! :.

bahase melayu
.: done ngek !cukop 305 words (;  :.

add math(;
.: done ouh :.
ingat aku ta boleh beruba kea ! grr..totally faham lol (;
for the first tyme sir <3

.: copy sesape yang dah siap :.
(malas nak bace buku tebal2 ) grr