Backgrounds & Love Backgrounds
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this is my special place where i meditate and shares my emotions ..please remind yourself that is my blog and i can put anything i wanna post troublemakers aren't welcome here okess beibeh (: thank you 

maaf . saye tak boleh setie dengan awak lagi :(

saye tak boleh nak setie dengan awak lagi ! sumpa saye sayang awak ! sayang sangad ! dulu awak dah buad saye sayang awak sangad2 ! saye rindu nak tengok awak ! balek sekolah jea .. terus tengok awak ! saye jatuh cinte dengan awak . ! tapi,, sekarang nyh . dah berakhir dah :( sekarang,,awak buad saye benci kat awak ! menyampah nak pandang awak dalam jadual class saye lah wahai mathematics !hari hari awak buad saye bosan dengan chapter-chapter awak tu semue !! awak best tyme form 1 sampai form 4 jea ! kenape ?!bile saye selak jea buku teks tebal mathematics tuh..dari chapter 1 sampailah ke kulit belakang buku tu,,semuenye ta best ! memang kenyataannye awak ,,kite memang tade future together lah ! tapi naseb baek taw ! ade kakak saye . yang boleeh jadi coach saye kat rumah . saye dah try ! tapi tak boleh nak cinte awak balek lah ! awak same macam chemistry ! bosan ! 

ape pon.. maaf ! saye sudah ditaken oleh additional mathematics and physics . sorry sebab saye curang dengan awak si MATHEMATICS !

saye nak kenalkan boyfies saye yang baru pade awak dan juge semue followers saye (: tapi dea tade gamba okess (: HAHAHHA :D


muke surat baru (:

title baru : awak !! :D thank you !

swear! Im really love you! you have done in many ways  to make me smile (: yeah! whether you believe me? you worked for it! until one day, you make me hurt ryte? but it does not a  matter. I faham ! I yang create that  problem, right? yes i knoe that: ( why are you sending me this text. ? I appreciate it but .. sorry, I do not qualify for your state! you must be sure that 
you will find a girl who will always support you! but, do you promised me that  you will find a better girl to be my successor!

 i hope so baby! tc: D
 iloveyou! :)