Backgrounds & Love Backgrounds
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this is my special place where i meditate and shares my emotions ..please remind yourself that is my blog and i can put anything i wanna post troublemakers aren't welcome here okess beibeh (: thank you 

i lost my BOO :'(

(warne merah okay)
i have lost my BOO !
hilang dea tyme kenduri :'(
so , awak awak semue jangan text or call number maxis saya okay !
bebila nanti aku bagi number baru aku kat korang .
kepade siape yang ambik phone aku tu . 
aku memang takde doa yang tak baik untuk kaw ..
cume aku mampu doa kaw baik hati nak pulangkan balik .
okay bye :'(

  thank you for reading COMEL ! . ILOVEYOU 